Heading back North, I came to the start of the dirt on the CTP, just North of route 27. You can see the end ahead, the road is gated right at Candia road ... so I made the right on Candia... saw the house mentioned in an earlier post on ADV and the road narrowed up from that point on. Just a short ways down was a fork, left appeared clearly marked Private (though later on the map the left fork looked like the road) and the right fork was downhill slightly and fully leaf covered. Being alone, I reversed direction and headed back towards the North entry to the Chester TP.
Where CTP turns to dirt
My bike at the fork, before turning...
When I got up to the North section of Chester,it was also gated... I was a little disappointed as these were mentioned on the forum and I expected that they were open. Anyway, I headed back towards home... I looked at the Epping links provided on the forum, but it was gonna be getting late for that. Decided to head back where I found Raymond Road and take the dirt east... There was not much there, wide graded and short before hitting pavement so I headed down by Lake Massabesic ... and then Rte 121 down to 102 to head home... By the LakeI stumbled on two more sections of the turnpike, one off of Candia Road and the other just north of 102. The first went back a ways and might be worth exploring more... The 2nd was short and marked as a dead end.
"Old Chester Turnpike"
All in all, a good day... cool but dry...Not too many more good riding days left this season so we all need to make the best of them.Be safe...
Pat in NH