Sunday, February 10, 2008

IBA Cert!

Yesterday in the mail, I got an envelope from the IBA (Iron Butt Assoc) and I knew it was good news... either a letter that my SS 1000 was approved, or if real lucky, it wold be the actual Cert.

Luck was with me this day... it was the actual Cert for my SS 1000 I did on Labor day.... The IBA has been behind somewhat the last year and half or so but making excellent progress in catching up. This was only about 4 months since I sent the paperwork in which is not that back considering how many are done and what they must do to verify..

I am happy to wait a bit knowing that the process of certication is full, complete and handled with integrity.. You cannot just buy into this group, you earn it!

IBA - Worlds Toughest Motorcycle Riders

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