Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Rolling Thunder

We just arrived back home from Rolling Thunder XXI in Washington DC. Leaving on Thursday, and returning Tuesday, it was a full weekend.

The Vigil Friday night was very moving and we were honored to have in our presence that night 2 daughters of men who gave all in Vietnam, Trish Burnett and Samantha Clough.

The demonstration run was great, well attended and think the government knows we are there and are not goinbg away until all our missing are accounted for.

There was a dampening of our spirits this year... Lisa Robicheau was killed in a motorcycle accident on her way to DC. She will be forever missed by us all. I am leaving shortly to attend the wake with the rest of the Rolling Thunder NH Chapter.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Xmas in May?

Well, that is what it seemed like... Monday my Govt Economic Stimulus check arrived.. along with my new Spot personal tracker and a package from Mike Kneebone and the IBA (my Cert for an SS 1000 run (1000 miles in 24 Hours) to Moonshine Illinois. I also got the cable to connect my gps up to the BMW "Baby GS".

Then Tuesday came and along with all else, my Caribou Adventure Panniers (Hard MC Luggage) arrived. This was exciting as I had been waiting for these and was anxious to get started mounting them. I worked that night so could not start until Wednesday.

Wednesday arrived, and so did the Title so I was able to register the GS and transfer my plate over. I also received my Ram mount to finish off the GPS mounting. First things first, we had to mount the Caribou pannier system. I was amazed at the quality and strength of the frame but especially how perfect it all fit together.

I also ran an add in Craigslist to sell my Shadow. I had several inquiry's and one fellow even stopped by work to see it.

Friday I rode the GS to work... first real day to ride it. It felt good and I loved the new panniers. I would recommend these to anyone. I had several more contact me on the Shadow and about 11:00, the fellow that looked at it yesterday called, and it is now SOLD!

Yes, I guess Xmas really can arrive in May!!

Pat in NH

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Let the Farkles begin!

Ok... as I wait for the title... I have been riding around the neighborhood.. slowly getting used to the bike (such a culture shock from the Wing!). I am enjoying it...

So far... I have started Farkleing plans and some purchases and parts should start arriving next week... The budget is limited after the bike purchase (and the expense of panniers) but that is ok, I will get the needed soon and the wanted later..

To Date:
Ordered Caribou Systems Panniers (Based on the Pelican 1550 Case (35L per side). Looked hard and long at all the options I settled on this for me... They seem to have excellent reviews and should serve me well for both off and on pavement

Have a Dakar windshield coming that is not the end but improved over the stock Non Shield. Depending on how I like it I may try adding a laminar lip later..

Already picked up a used BMW Tank bag... down the road, I plan to put a plug in that to add 2 electric taps outtside and one inside the bag. Planning to use Powerlet products.

Ordered a used set of BMW Hand guards from a guy parting out a machine that blew up the engine. (Later with replenished funds I would like to pick up the Bark Buster units)

Ordered a mounting base for my ram mount gps... I have the arm and cradle coming off the cradle.

Ordered a powerlet adapter cable to plug my 2610 into the available outlet. (Under the faring) It is a 90 deg bmw to cigarette lighter and will route up under teh the plastic to the handlebars. This will get me on the GPS quickly and work until I electrify the tank bag.. (much later in the super or a winter project)

I am also planning on ordering an engine guard and installing that before the SMR..

Yes, it looks like now I am riding the new beauty down to the SMR!! I am excited about that. There are other Touratech items, including chainguard, fairing guard etc and likely some new peg options after I ride a bit and determine what I need... that I will likely add as time goes along... Those are not needed to get me rolling ..

After SMR, I will need to finalize what I think I want/need for a WS and I KNOW I am gonna have to do something with this stock seat!! No surprise there..

Anyway.. guess I better go to work...
Pat in NH

Monday, May 5, 2008

Got My Dual Sport!

Yes, I sure did.. Stumbled on a great deal on a 2007 BMW F650 GS down in CT, with only 850 miles. I bought it, and went down and picked it up with my trailer on Saturday May 3rd.

The following is the post I put up on the MTF (Motorcycle Tourer's Forum)
Ok, here it is... the "New" ride..................

2007 BMW F650 GS, a Dual Sport fun bike..Black with a whole 845 miles on it!! Yes thats it...Should still have warranty until sept 2009 (will check with my dealer)

Has the following:
ABS (switchable off)
Heated Grips (low and high settings)
Emergency FlashersCenter Stand
Arai Quantum Full face helmet.. fits me!
soft luggage (2 piece zip together by BMW, small bag fits on Rack, larger zips to it and fits on passenger seat - not bad, will use for now..)

The bike itself is basically stock and has had the 600 mile service done at the dealers. It will need the following ...
New taller & wider windshield
Pannier system
Engine Guard
Hand Guards
Aux Lighting
Likely seat upgrade (either aftermarket or have a custom guy I know tweak it) I will ride it a bit to decide...

Riding plans.. if enough gets done, may ride to Americade to see how much work seat needs, and hope to ride it to the SMR in June. Most likely will attempt my NH Instate 1000 on this bike to say I did ...

Pat in NH