Thursday, May 15, 2008

Xmas in May?

Well, that is what it seemed like... Monday my Govt Economic Stimulus check arrived.. along with my new Spot personal tracker and a package from Mike Kneebone and the IBA (my Cert for an SS 1000 run (1000 miles in 24 Hours) to Moonshine Illinois. I also got the cable to connect my gps up to the BMW "Baby GS".

Then Tuesday came and along with all else, my Caribou Adventure Panniers (Hard MC Luggage) arrived. This was exciting as I had been waiting for these and was anxious to get started mounting them. I worked that night so could not start until Wednesday.

Wednesday arrived, and so did the Title so I was able to register the GS and transfer my plate over. I also received my Ram mount to finish off the GPS mounting. First things first, we had to mount the Caribou pannier system. I was amazed at the quality and strength of the frame but especially how perfect it all fit together.

I also ran an add in Craigslist to sell my Shadow. I had several inquiry's and one fellow even stopped by work to see it.

Friday I rode the GS to work... first real day to ride it. It felt good and I loved the new panniers. I would recommend these to anyone. I had several more contact me on the Shadow and about 11:00, the fellow that looked at it yesterday called, and it is now SOLD!

Yes, I guess Xmas really can arrive in May!!

Pat in NH

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