Friday, May 1, 2009

SS1000 In State NH

Hello Everyone!!
I am doing another ride, this time its an Iron Butt SS 1000 (1000miles in 24 hours) but entirely within the State of NH. I plan to hit the raod between 2 and 4am on the morning of May 2nd 2009.

Many will say you cannot ride 1000 miles in such a small state, well you can with 4 laps!!

I will be slabbing it most of the way, starting in Nashua, up to Lebanon, down I89 to Bow, up I93 to Littleton... then back down to Bow, up to Lebanon and repeat 2 more times ... then back to clock out in Nashua...
You can track me at the following link...

I will try and send an OK message (green) at each of the 15 stops so by counting those you can tell what lap I am on!!

Wish me luck.. if the projected rains get heavy I may cancel...
Pat in NH (aka RockyNH)

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