Saturday, May 9, 2009

F650 Improvements in 2009

Here is the bike somewhat as it ended last season..

So far this year I have added:Full size Cee Bailey (already mentioned)Tourtech Fairing GuardRam Mounting for a SPOT Tracking UnitSpoilers for the Hand Guards.Touratech Tank bag with Tank Panniers.. A friend gave me the TT bag wth panniers. I had been looking for some tankpanniers to use with my BMW tank bag... I tried this and liked it so I will be using it on the trip.The tank panniers actually knock some of the wind off of the legs.

I have also added Cee Bailey Headlight GuardClear Aircraft Grade

I then ordered ...TT Rain Cover for the tank bag...a bar riser from Twisted Throttle

a set of cheap Highway pegs... The bars of the engine guard are too small for mounting pegs.. I plan to get a hose (or some other such object) approx 1" OD and a 1/2" ID to use as a spacer.Split it, slide it over the bar and then tighten the peg on over it for clamping.

I also bought some items from Powerlet to "electrify" my tank bag. With this kit, the tank bag will plug into the accessory outlet and inside the bag will be electrical connections for my GPS, Heated Liner,and cell phone charger.

Next .. Installing the risers....
Pat in NH

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